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Seafood Preparation -
Tips for Grilling (Broiling) or Barbequing Fish

When preparing your fish and seafood for recipes, below are some useful tips and information that make life easier when grilling, broiling and BBQ ing fish and seafood!

Tips on Grilling (Broiling) Fish

* Wash fish quickly under running water.  Drain and dry carefully before cooking.  Never leave the fish to soak in water as it ruins both the flesh and the flavour.

* Make allowances for the fat content of the fish you are about to cook.  All fish can be cooked in this manner, but a lean fish will require frequent basting, while a fatty fish will not.

* Never cook fish too close to a fire, rapid heat burns and dries fish out.

* Avoid overcooking fish.  It should be moist and tender.  When flesh is translucent and can be easily flaked with a fork, the fish is cooked.

* Turn fish only once during cooking time and cook for a shorter period on the second side as the fish is already heated through.

* Fish can be barbecued in foil to retain its juices.   When cooked, remove foil, reserve juices, brown quickly without foil and pour juices over to serve.

* Whole fish may be wrapped in several layers of wet newspaper and cooked over embers.  The skin will adhere to the newspaper when cooked.


Seafood Recipes


Fish & Seafood Recipe Videos - How to cook & clean abalone, sea bass with pepper sauce, Kentucky fried catfish, miso glazed barramundi, rock oysters with caviar, linguini with white clam sauce, Wild Alaska Tamarind Cod, Jamaican codfish cakes, lobster, scallops, mahi recipes and more.

Other sections that may help you:
Retail Seafood Shops - Where to buy your seafood, list of fish shops by country. Fish Photos & Info - Photographs, information, nutritional information, locality, suppliers and scientific data.
Seafood Recipes - Hundreds of recipes for fish and shellfish, many including photos. Fish Information - How to cook fish, identifying fresh fish, identifying your catch, links to recipes, photographs, nutritional information.
Seafood Cookbooks - Enormous range of cookbooks for all seafood lovers from Amazon. Seafood Restaurants - Can't be bothered cooking? Find your local seafood restaurant.




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