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Sea-Ex > Commercial Fishing > Seafood Industry Contacts by Country > Argentina A-L
Siam Canadian: Frozen seafood suppliers, exporters - Quality distributors of a wide range of seafood worldwide. shrimp, fish, cephalopods, tilapia, pangasius, rohu Exporters of Frozen Lobster Tails & Whole Spiny Lobster (Panulirus Argus) directly from our FDA Certified & HACCP Approved plant in the Dominican Republic. We can custom pack. From our Indonesian partners, we can now offer: Pasteurized Crab Meat, Red Snapper & Malabar Snapper, Grouper, Octopus Ball Type, Squid: Tubes & Tentacles, Rings & Tentacles, Mahi Mahi Fillets Skinless, Portion Cut, CO2 Treated. Indian VANNAMEI Shrimp: Raw Headless, Shell On, Peeled & Deveined, PUD, IQF & Blocks, Raw & Pre Cooked, Head On.

Commercial Fishing & Seafood Industry Contacts - Argentina - Companies A - L


See Also Sea-Ex Trade Seafood Directory for Seafood Companies in Argentina

Alexander Corp  |  Alexandria Corp
We provide the following seafood products Hake Gayi HGT and Hake Hubbsi HGT, Hake Fillet, Bullet Mackerel tuna, Squid Illex Argentinus, Squid Dosidicus Gigas, Shrimp Vannamei, Bumper, Moonfish (Selene Peruviana), Oil fish, Butterfish, Blue shark, Yellow croaker, Atlantic Herring, Atlantic Salmon, Pacific Salmon, Kingclip abadejo, Skipjack whole round for canning, 500 MT, Alaska Pollock WR, Hoki HGT, Savorin WR, Sea trout WR, Nototenia WR, Prawn whore round, Silverside.
Contact: Alexander Simakov
City: Buenos Aires
Tel:  +54 91161998177 
Skype: alexandr.simakov
Email: Contact Alexander Corp
Contact Alexandria Corp
ARGSEA Seafood Argentina
Exporters and Agents of seafood.
Contact: Carlos Laveneziana
City: Mar del plata
Tel: 223 471 2967  Fax: -
Skype: carlos_laveneziana
Email: Contact ARGSEA Seafood Argentina
Bahia Grande S.A.
We are a fishing company with own jigger vessels and processing plant, we provide illex squid products frozen on board such as whole round squid, dirty tube and tentacles eyes on beak on, we also process various products in our plant like clean tubes, wings, rings and tentacles eyes off beak off.
Contact: Mr Antonio Liu
City: Buenos Aires
Tel: 115 254 1133  Fax: 115 254 1140
Skype: antonioliu-bg
Email: Contact Bahia Grande S.A.
Carlos Augusto Gudewort
River fishermen, producers and exporters of corvina (furnieri micropogonias), kingclip, anchovy, red cod, red snapper, illex squid, chub mackerel, tope shark, white croaker, Patagonian smoothhound, grenadier, Argentine red shrimp, big eye sole, flounder, southern hake, hoki, grouper, pompano, sea trout, angel shark, elephant fish, flathead, blue whiting, skate, blackbelly rose fish, Brazilian sand perch, silver warehou, rainbow trout, freshwater fish, catfish, boga, carp and battered fish medallions
Tel: +541147443244 
Email: Contact Carlos Augusto Gudewort
Duntower Corporation S.A.
Since 1984 we've been a Company dedicated to the production and manufacture of frozen fish for export. Our products are specially elaborated and frozen on board. We also have land production which is also done under the most strict quality terms. We work with world's highest technological standards, reaching the most efficient freezing and producing vessels, and land production. This is how we guarantee the exceptional quality of our products. Land production, starts with a daily catch with coastal craft adjusted to the international processing and final quality requirements. Quality is guaranteed by a continuous cold chain which assures our clients the highest grade in every product, until it reaches their final destination. Our Company works under the regulations given by EU (directives 91/493 and 94/356 of CEE) and the HACCP standards.
Contact: Carlos Cavallo
City: Capital Federal, Buenos Aires
Tel: 114 803 2121  Fax: 114 803 2121
Skype: carloscavallo
Email: Contact Duntower Corporation
Ecomarina S.A.
At Ecomarina We specialise In The Production, Processing And The Export Trade of Frozen Fish & Seafood from PATAGONIA. Hake (merluccius Hubbsi), Savorin / Silver warehou (Seriolella Porosa), Argentine Red Shrimp (Hymenopenaeus), Hoki / Patagonia grenadier (Macruronus magellanicus), Southern Atlantic skate (Rajidae(Fam)), Notothenia (Patagonothen Ramsayi)
Contact: Francisco Calo
City: Buenos Aires
Tel: 115 775 0160   Fax: 115 775 0162
Skype: -
Email: Email Ecomarina S.A.
Fish Group Argentina
We are a Fish Export Company from Mar del Plata that produce the following species: Ray, Hake, Sea Trout, Illex Squid, Mackerel, Yellow Croaker, Hoki, and others fruits of our sea.
Contact: Roberto Niesl
City: Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires
Tel: 223 480 1737  Fax: 223 480 1737
Food Arts SA
The company manages 2 jigger vessels for illex squid and 4 side trawling vessels for pink shrimp (pleoticus muelleri), Hake (merluccius hubbsi), Squid (illex argentinus), Croaker (micropogonias furnieri), Flounder (paralichthys spp), Red Snapper (pagrus pagrus). Producers, processors, exporters
Contact: Tomas Gerpe
City: Buenos Aires
Tel: +54 11 51990870  Fax: -
Skype: tgerpe
Frozen Food Service
We are a company specialized in frozen foods products, we trade of all kind of frozen fish from South America origin. We are located in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Merluza Hubbsi, Mercluccius Hubbsi, Mackerel, Yellow Croacker, Corvinas, Black drum, Pogonias cromis, Corvina negra, Porgy, Umbrina canosai, Pargo, King weakfish, Macrodon ancylodon, Pescadilla, Herring, Brevoortia aurea, Saraca
Contact: Raul De Rito
City: Buenos Aires
Tel: 114 903 4514  Fax: -
Skype: raul-frozen
J. Grigoriev & Associates
We are in the sea products trade business for more than 9 years now. We deal in South Atlantic pelagic species and can offer a variety of different species from Argentina, Chile, Peru, Uruguay and other countries. In case of interest, please write us directly to our email address. Thank you. Jorge Grigoriev Buenos Aires
Contact: Jorge Grigoriev
City: Buenos Aires
Tel: 114 864 6195  Fax: 1148 646 195
Skype: Grigo01
Email: Email J. Grigoriev & Associates
JAB Trade Co.
Family owned company. Exporting frozen Sea Food for the past 12 years to over 75 plus countries. Illex squid, Red Shrimp, Yellow Croaker, Mackerel, Horse Mackerel, Hake HGT/Filets/Sausage - sea or land frozen, Red Porgy-Snapper, Jack Mackerel, Herring, Silverside, Black Croaker, sea trout WR-Filets, Yellow Croaker Pan Ready-WGS, Carp WGS and ROE, Pacific Hake, Tuna. All presentations available vacuum pack, IWP and more... OUR SEAFOOD DEPARTMENT ONLY SELLS SUSTAINABLE WILD-CAUGHT AND RESPONSIBLY FARMED SEAFOOD. Come on in, be a part of our family.
Contact: Juan Manuel Arocena
City:  Buenos Aires
Tel:  +5491165771990
Skype: juan.manuel.arocena
Email:  [email protected]
JAG Traders
Processors, exporters and wholesalers of fresh Bluefin Tuna, Frozen Yellow croaker, Hake hubbsi, flounder, grouper and shrimps.
Contact: Jorge
City: Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires
Tel: +54 2234362055  Fax: -
Email: Email JAG Traders
Jorge Schiaffino
Marine surveyors and boat brokers.
Contact: Jorge Schiaffino
City: Capital Federal, Buenos Aires
Tel: 11 4781 0646  Fax: 11 4781 0646
Skype: -
Email: Email Jorge Schiaffino
Lamarencoche SRL
Our company is dedicated to the elaboration, commercialization and export of sea products located in Mar del Plata city- one of the most important fishing ports of Argentina. Our industrial factory is located in the heart of Mar del Plata´s port. We elaborate marine products by looking after all the different stages of the productive process. Currently we are in the process of achieving the ISO9001 norm. We carry out product developments for our clients according to their technical specifications, quality requirements and commercial purposes. FLATHEAD FILLETS (PERCOPHIS BRASILIENSIS), HAKE FILLETS (MERLUCCIUS HUBBSI), RED SHRIMP (PLEOTICUS MUELLERI), RAY AND SKATE, FLOUNDER
City: MAR DEL PLATA Buenos Aires
Tel: 005492234481465
Skype: agustina.nejamkin
Liderfil Group
Liderfil Group is a family owned seafood company with offices in Argentina and Europe. We pride ourselves with 47 years of experience and since then we have established very strong partnerships with a number of selected plants. We have the experience and well selected connections to supply quality seafood products. We set our focus on delivering high quality products at a competitive price. Benefit from our worldwide network, become a partner or a client! Our company focuses on the following products: Illex Squid, Giant Squid, Loligo Patagonico Squid, Californian Squid, Red Argentine Shrimps, Patagonian Toothfish, Yellow Croaker and Hake.
Contact: Sophia Ramaer
City: Buenos Aires
Tel: +31650078634  Fax: -
Skype:    s.ramaer
WeChat/Line: sophiaramaer
Email: [email protected]
           [email protected]

Seafood Industry Contacts Argentina Pages  [ A - L ]   [ M - Z ]

Government Contacts & Information Resources for
Commercial Fishing, Seafood, Aquaculture, Marine & Oceans in Argentina

Fishery and Aquaculture Country Profile for Argentina - aquatic species caught by country or area, by species items, by FAO major fishing areas, and year, for all commercial, industrial, recreational and subsistence purposes. The harvest from mariculture, aquaculture and other kinds of fish farming is also included.


Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Argentina

- Fish & Aquaculture Fisheries - Undersecretary of Fisheries, Sea Fishing, Inland Fisheries, Aquaculture and Fisheries Registration information


Organización Internacional Agropecuaria - Eco-label, organic certifier Argentina. Este programa certifica la sustentabilidad del sistema pesquero total hasta el punto de desembarco y la trazabilidad del producto desde el desembarco hasta el consumidor.


Instituto de Biología Marina y Pesquera Almirante Storni · Ministerio de Producción de Río Negro - Fue creado en 1974 con el objetivo de elaborar y desarrollar proyectos y tareas de investigación tendientes al conocimiento efectivo de los recursos pesqueros en la Jurisdicción de la Provincia de Río Negro. Información única sobre las pesquerías locales y regionales, así como también sobre el ambiente natural y sus cambios a largo plazo, ha sido obtenida por parte de esta institución.


AQUASTAT is FAO's global information system on water and agriculture developed by the Land and Water Division. It collects, analyses and disseminates data and information by country and by region. Its aim is to provide users interested in global, regional and national analyses with comprehensive information related to water resources and agricultural water management across the world, with emphasis on countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean. Information for Argentina


Ocean Health Index Argentina - The Ocean Health Index is a valuable tool for the ongoing assessment of ocean health. By providing a means to advance comprehensive ocean policy and compare future progress, the Index can inform decisions about how to use or protect marine ecosystems. The Index is a collaborative effort, made possible through contributions from more than 65 scientists/ocean experts and partnerships between organizations including the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, Sea Around Us, Conservation International, National Geographic, and the New England Aquarium. Information for Argentina

Fish of Argentina including their scientific names.  Pesca de Argentina

Anchoa (Pomatomus saltarix)
Armado (Pterodoras granulosus)
Bagre amarillo (Pimelodus maculatus)
Bagre blanco (Pimelodus albicans)
Boga o bogón (Leporinus obtusidens)
Bonito (Sarda sarda)
Caballa (Scomber japonicus)
Carpa (Cyprinus carpio)
Corvina negra (Pogonias cromis)
Corvina rubia (Microgonias furnieri)
Chafalote o Machete (Rhapiodon vulpinus)
Dorado o pirayú (Salminus maxillosus)
Falso salmón (Pseudopercis semifasciata)
Lenguado (Catachyridium jenynsi)
Lisa (Mugil platanus)
Manduvá (Ageneiosus brevifilis)
Manduví o Manduvé Cucharón (Sourubim lima)
Manguruyú (Zungaro zungaro y Paulicea lutkeni)
Mero (Acanthístius brasilíamis)
Pacú o mbiraí-piraí (Piaractus mesopotamicus)
Palometa de mar (Parona signata)
Patí (Luciopimelodus pati)
Pejerrey o Matungo (0dontesthes bonariensis)
Pejerrey de mar (Odontesthes argentinensis)
Pejerrey patagónico (Odontesthes hatcheri)
Perca (Percichthys spp.)
Pez limón (Seriola lalandei)
Pirá pitá (Brycon orbignyanus)
Raya o Chucho de río (Potamotrygon motoro)
Róbalo (Eleginops maclovinus)
Salmón encerrado (Salmo Salar Sebago)
Salmón del Pacífico (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha)
Surubí atigrado (Pseuplatystoma fasciatum)
Surubí manchado (Pseuplatystoma coruscans)
Tararira o Tarucha (Hoplias malabarícus)
Tiburón bacota (Carcharhinus acronotus)
Tiburón cazón (Galeorhinus galeus)
Tiburón escalandrún (Odontaspis taurus)
Tiburón gatopardo (Notorhynchus cepedianus)
Tiburón gatuzo (Mustelus schmitti)
Trucha arco iris o plateada (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
Trucha de arroyo (Salvelinus fontinalis)
Trucha de lago (Salvelinus namaycush)
Trucha marrón (Salmo trutta)

Patagonian scallop (Zygochlamys patagonica)

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