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Recreational Fishing Guidelines for Queensland, Australia

Fishwatch hotline
To report unlawful fishing in Queensland, please call the 24 hour Fishwatch hotline on 1800 017 116 (toll free within Queensland)

For general fisheries enquiries, contact the DPI&F Call Centre on 13 25 23 (for the cost of a local call from anywhere in Queensland).

What it's all about
The Fishwatch hotline was created so that suspected unlawful fishing activities can be reported direct to the Queensland Boating and Fisheries Patrol by the general public.

Unlawful activities include:

  • unlawful use of nets
  • fishing in closed waters
  • fishing in closed seasons
  • taking female crabs (Jennies)
  • taking undersize fish
  • taking excess to specified bag limits on fish
  • using excess numbers of crab pots/dillies
  • destruction or disturbance of marine habitat
  • interfering with other persons crab pots/dillies or other fishing apparatus
  • taking oysters from licensed oyster grounds

What to do
If you see, or have any information on unlawful fishing activities that you suspect are unlawful, you should follow these simple steps:

  • record the date, time and area where the activity occurs
  • record any vehicle registration numbers and a description of any vehicles involved
  • record any boat registration numbers and a description of any vessels involved
  • if you know the person or persons involved, give their details as well
  • give an accurate description of the activity involved, e.g. setting large numbers of crab pots, netting the local creek on low tides
  • ring the Fishwatch hotline to pass on this information



Fishing Bag Limits Queensland

Legal fish sizes and bag limits - FRESH WATERS


This guide provides recreational fishers with important information about responsible fishing. It covers size, take and possession (bag and size) limits, and explains how to measure catch, describes appropriate fishing gear and bait, outlines seasonal fishing requirements and provides information on noxious, native and protected fish species. It includes a list of useful contacts and a table of size, take and possession limits for both tidal and fresh waters

The following bag limits, minimum sizes, and (where indicated) maximum sizes apply to fish throughout Queensland.

Species Legal size (cm) Take and Possession Limit
Australian bass 30 min. 2
Australian Lungfish   No Take
Barramundi 58 min., 120 max. 5 (1 during closed season for some dams)
Blueclaw crayfish (Yabby) No limit 100 (females carrying eggs or young must be returned to the water within their natural range)
Catfish, eel-tailed (Tandanus tandanus) 35 min. Combined limit of 5 in total for fish in the genera Neosilurus, Tandanus and Neosiluroides (e.g. black, Cooper Creek, eel-tailed, false spine, short-finned catfish and Hyrtl's tandan)
Cherabins No Limit A combined total of 10 for both species (Macrobrachium lar and M. rosenbergii)
Cod, Bloomfield River Cod - No Take
Cod, Murray (Queensland section of the Murray-Darling Drainage Division) 60 min., 110 max. 2
Cod, Mary River (upstream of the walls of Maroon, Moogerah, Hinze, Bill Gunn [Lake Dyer], Lake Clarendon, Wivenhoe, North Pine, Cressbrook and Somerset Dams) 50 min 1
Cod, Mary River (elsewhere in Queensland) n/a 0
Eel, long-finned 30 min. A combined total of 10 for long-finned, Pacific and short-finned eels
Eel, Pacific 30 min. A combined total of 10 for long-finned, Pacific and short-finned eels
Eel, short-finned 30 min. A combined total of 10 for long-finned, Pacific and short-finned eels
Mangrove Jack 35 min. 5
Molluscs any - excluding oysters No Limit 50
Perch, golden (Yellowbelly) 30 min. 10
Perch, jungle 35 max. A combined total of 1 for jungle perch and northern jungle perch (spotted flagtail)
Perch, silver 30 min Combined limit of 5 for silver perch, Welch's grunter and Barcoo grunter. Silver perch in Paroo and Warrego River basins are catch and release only.
Barcoo Grunter 30 min. As above
Welch's Grunter 30 min. As Above
Sooty Grunter 28 min Combined limit of 10 for sooty grunter and khaki bream
Khaki bream No limit Combined limit of 10 for sooty grunter and khaki bream
Rainbow Fish (Melanotaenia sp.) No Limit Combined limit of 20 (banded, black banded, chequered, crimson spotted, desert, Douboulay's eastern Lake Eacham and McCulloch's rainbow fish)
Redclaw crayfish in its natural range (Gulf of Carpentaria Drainage Division and from the Jacky Jacky River basin south to the Normanby River basin on the east coast of Queensland) No limit 40 (Females carrying eggs and/or young must be returned to the water within their natural range)
Yabby or Blueclaw Crayfish (Cherax destructor) No Limit 100 (females carrying eggs or young must be returned to the water within their natural range)
River Blackfish - No Take
Saratoga - Northern 50 min Combined limit of 1 for both species (i.e. only one saratoga may be taken)
Saratoga - Southern 50 min As above
Freshwater Mullet 30 min. 20
Sea Mullet 30 min. 20
Spiny crayfish - No Take

The following species have an "in possession" limit of 20:

  • Aggassiz's perchlet
  • Aru gudgeon
  • Banded grunter
  • Berney's catfish
  • Bigheaded gudgeon
  • Bony bream
  • Bug eyed goby
  • Cairns rainbow fish
  • Celebes goby
  • Coal grunter
  • Common Archer fish
  • Concave goby
  • Delicate blue-eye
  • Desert goby
  • Yellowfin perchlet
  • Dwarf goby
  • Empire gudgeon
  • Fimbriate gudgeon
  • Firetail gudgeon
  • Flagtail perchlet
  • Flathead goby
  • Flyspecked hardyhead
  • Freshwater long tom
  • Gilberts grunter
  • Golden goby
  • Lake's carp gudgeon
  • Leathery grunter
  • Lesser salmon catfish
  • Lorentz's grunter
  • Marjorie's hardyhead
  • Midgley's carp gudgeon
  • Mueller's perchlet
  • Mulgrave goby
  • Ornate rainbow fish
  • Pacific blue-eye
  • Penny fish
  • Poreless gudgeon
  • Purple spotted gudgeon
  • Rendahl's catfish
  • Reticulated perchlet
  • Roman nose goby
  • Sailfish perchlet
  • Scaleless goby
  • Shovel nosed catfish
  • Sleepy cod
  • Small headed grunter
  • Smelt
  • Snakehead gudgeon
  • Spangled perch
  • Spotted blue-eye
  • Square blotch goby
  • Strawman
  • Striped gudgeon
  • Threadfin rainbow fish
  • Triangular shield catfish
  • Trout gudgeon
  • Western carp gudgeon



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