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Abalone, Blacklip |
Tuna |
Baler Shell |
Barbounia, Tiny |
Barracouta |
Barramundi |
Bass, Sea |
Batfish |
Batfish, Silver |
Blackfish |
Boarfish |
Bonito Tuna |
Bonito, Watson's Leaping |
Bream |
Bream, Butter |
Bream, Slate |
Bug, Moreton Bay
(Slipper Lobster) |
Bug, Balmain |
Butterfish |
Southern |
Carp, European |
Catfish, Blue |
Catfish, Lesser Salmon |
Cockles |
Cod, Bar |
Cod, Blue eye |
Cod, Coral Rock |
Cod, Ghost |
Cod, Maori |
Cod, Murray
Cod, Southern Rock |
Cod, Spotted |
Cod, Tomato |
Cod, Wirrah |
Cod, Yellow Spotted |
Coral Trout |
Cowanyoung |
Crab, Blue Swimmer |
Crab, Champagne |
Crab, Giant
Crab, Mud |
Crab, Spanner |
Crawfish |
Cuttlefish |
Dart Fish |
Dolphin Fish |
Dory, John |
Dory, Mirror |
Dory, Silver
Drummer, Southern |
Eel, Longfin |
Emperor, Red |
Emperor, Red Throat |
Flathead |
Flounder, Small Toothed |
Flutemouth, Rough |
Frost Fish |
Garfish |
Gemfish |
Goatfish |
Grouper |
Gurnard, Red |
Gurnard, Spotted |
Hairtail |
Hump Headed
Maori Wrasse |
Hussar |
Jackass Fish |
Jacket, Ocean |
Jacket, Sea |
Jewfish |
Jobfish, Gold Banned |
Jobfish, Rosy |
Yellowtail |
Latchet Fish |
Leatherjacket, Reef |
Ling |
Lobster Eastern
Rock |
Lobster Southern Rock |
Long Tom |
Luderick |
Mackeral, Jack |
Mackerel, Slimey |
Mado |
Mahi Mahi |
Mangrove Jack |
Marlin, Black |
Marlin, Blue |
Marlin, Striped |
Melon Shell |
Monkfish |
Mono |
Moon Fish |
Morwong |
Morwong, Red |
Mullet - Roe |
Mullet, Diamond Scale |
Mullet, Red |
Mullet, Sea |
Mullet, Yelloweye |
Mulloway |
Mussels Black |
Mussels Greenlip |
Nanygai |
Octopus |
Orange Roughy |
Oreo, Black |
Native |
Pacific |
Oyster, Sydney Rock |
Parrot Fish |
Parrot Fish (2) |
Perch, Ocean |
Perch, Saddle Tail Sea |
Perch, Silver |
Perch, Splendid |
Perch, Stripey Sea |
Pig Fish |
Pike |
Pineapple Fish |
Prawn, Banana |
Prawn, King |
Prawn, Red Spot |
Prawn, School |
Prawn, Tiger |
Queenfish, Needleskin |
Rainbow Runner |
Redclaw Crayfish |
Redfish |
Ribaldo |
Ribbon Fish |
Rudder Fish |
Salmon, Atlantic |
Salmon, Australian |
Scad |
Queensland |
Scallops, Tasmanian |
Scorpion Fish, Raggy |
Shark |
Shark Black Tip |
Shark, Blue |
Shark Bronze Whaler (Dusky) |
Shark, Bull |
Sharks Fins |
Shark, Gummy |
Shark, Mako |
Shark, School |
Tiger |
Whiskery Reef |
Shark, White |
Shrimp, Mantis |
Sicklefish |
Silver Biddy |
Snapper |
Snapper, Big Eye |
Snapper, Fry Pan |
Snapper, Gold Band |
Snapper, King |
Red |
Snapper, Red Tropical |
Sole |
Sole, Tongue |
Squid, Arrow |
Squirrel Fish |
Stargazer |
Stingray, Butterfly |
Stripey Sea
Perch |
Surgeonfish, Sixplate Sawtail |
Sweetlip, Slatey |
Sweetlip, Yellow |
Swordfish |
Tailor |
Tarwhine |
Pink |
Trevally, Big Eye |
Trevally, Golden |
Trevally, Silver |
Triple Tail |
Trout |
Trumpeter, Striped |
Albacore |
Tuna, Bigeye |
Tuna, Bluefin |
Tuna, Longtail |
Tuna, Skipjack |
Tuna, Striped |
Tuna, Mackerel |
Tuna, Yellowfin |
Venus Tusk Fish |
Whiting, Sand |
Whiting, School |
Wrasse |
Freshwater Crayfish |
Yellowtail |
FULL LIST of Fish &
Seafood |
Beche De Mer
(Sea Cucumber - Trepang) |
Amberfish |
Blackfish |
Black Teatfish |
Brown Sandfish |
Curryfish |
Elephants Trunks fish |
Greenfish |
Lollyfish |
Pinkfish |
Prickly Redfish |
Sandfish |
Stonefish |
Surf Redfish |
White Teatfish |
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Yabby (Cherax) Photographs
and Information
Yabbies are
also known as Crawfish, Freshwater Crayfish. How to catch yabbies, cooking and
recipes for yabbies, aquaculture farming of the yabby
Also known as Crawfish, Freshwater Crayfish
Yabbies are freshwater crayfish which are distinguished from others by having 4 low
ridges along the head and a short smooth rostrum. Their claws are broad and
spade-like, with serrations along their inner edge. The claws are sometimes covered
with a matt of fine hairs. Body colour ranges from pale to dark brown and there is a
distinctive mottled pattern on the outer edge of the claws.
Yabbies are widely distributed throughout central and southern inland Australia.
There is also a translocated population in the south-west of Western Australia.
Temperature limits for yabbies are between 0°C and 36°C. Yabbies can survive
periods of drought by burrowing in damp soil and they remain in their burrows until the
next rains.
Yabbies spawn from October to March, with peak activity between December and February.
Spawning is induced by an increase in day length and water temperature (above
15°C) It is not uncommon to find 1000 eggs on a large female.
Following spawning, the female carries the
eggs under her tail, where they incubate for 3 weeks.
Like all crustaceans, yabbies have to moult as they grow. The frequency of this
decreasing as they grow older. Weight can increase by up to 50% with each moult.
Feeding activity peaks at dusk and dawn. Their diet is mainly detritus, plant
material and small invertebrates. Yabbies are cannibalistic and smaller animals
often are eaten by larger animals. Yabbies are also preyed on by fish, water rats,
fresh water tortoises and water birds. Water birds, particularly Cormorants, can be
a major pest in commercial aquaculture operations.
Yabbies are fished commercially.
They are taken wild, but there is an increase in farming yabbies.

Did You Know?
Yabbies have virtually NO FAT (0.12%) and virtually NO
Did you know?
Crayfish can crawl forward at a very slow and awkward pace
but can swim backwards extremely fast to get away from
predators. Their spines point forwards to make them more
streamlined for swimming and harder to grab by predators.

How to tell the difference between male
and female yabbies?
Females have rings on their third last pair of walking legs.
Males have short projections on last pair of walking legs. Males
are generally larger than females, and females are broader in
the tail.
How to tell the difference between a Yabby and a Redclaw
Cherax destructor, or the common native Yabby,
have two raised longitudinal ridges on top of their heads. In
contrast, Cherax quadricarinatus, or
Redclaw crayfish, have four raised
longitudinal ridges on top of their heads.
Scientific Name |
Cherax Species |
Location in Australia |
Season |
All year round |
Size |
300-500 carapace length *variation between sexes |
Australian Species Code |
00 704005 |
Taste, Texture |
Nutritional Information
For every 85g grams raw product
for Yabbies, Crawfish, Crayfish. |
Kilojoules |
70 |
Cholesterol |
113 mg |
Sodium |
80 mg |
Total fat
(oil) |
1.0 g |
fat |
1% of total
fat |
Carbohydrate |
0 g |
Protein |
14 g |
Fibre |
0 g |
Vitamin A |
1% |
Vitamin C |
1% |
Calcium |
5% |
Iron |
4% |
Catching Yabbies:
Catching with meat and
string.Tips with this method are to use white
cooking twine as your string, which is easy to see and sinks
(builders twine and other synthetic twine floats), to use meat
without much fat so it sinks, and to
have a net to scoop the yabbies when you have them at the edge
of the water. The traps to use are the ones
that fall flat on the river or lake bed, allowing yabbies to
climb over the bait, and then form a funnel again when they’re
hauled in. Video showing how to make a Yabby Pump.
Yabbies have a Light-flavoured, moist
meat with a firm texture. The red-claw is cousin to the
freshwater yabby and are about the size of a large prawn.
Nutritional information for Yabbies, Crawfish and Crayfish.
Yabby recipes and cooking information. Videos showing how to
cook yabbies. Where to buy yabbies.
Commercial Fishing for Yabbies: The Yabby is a freshwater crayfish native to
Australia. Also known as a crawchie, crawdad, craybob or even lobbie, it's all
dependent on where you come from. Yabbies as a name can refer to any number of
different crayfish species (small smooth shelled species) but as a rule it
generally refers to Cherax destructor. Farming and handling of Yabbies
videos from Fisheries Research.
Companies and contacts of Yabby Exporters, importers, processors, wholesalers
and Seafood agents.
Aquaculture Farming of Yabbies, information on spawning, environment, diet,
growth, yabby health issues, economics of production.
More links about
Yabbies and Yabby Information
Publications and information on
popular freshwater and saltwater aquaculture species:
Ornamental Fish, Silver Perch, Black Bream, Red Claw, Trout, Yabbys,
Marron, Mussels, Pearls, Western Rock Lobster, Trochus, Abalone,
Barramundi, Fin Fish, Prawns. Information on sexing of male
and female yabbies.