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Seafood Information

Seafood Preparation - When preparing your fish and seafood for recipes, here are some useful tips and information that make life easier! Tips for identifying fresh fish, how to cook fish on the barbeque, how to shuck oysters...


Storage of Seafood - How to freeze fish, how to thaw frozen fish, storing live oysters, clams and mussels....


Nutritional Information on Seafood - Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids, What's an oily fish, health benefits of eating fish and seafood.


How Much Seafood do I buy ??? - A guide to how much seafood, fish, prawns, shrimp, oysters etc to buy per person and serving.


Surimi Preparation - What is Surimi & how do they make it? Originating in Japan several centuries ago, surimi is a uniquely functional food ingredient made of fish proteins and used in surimi seafood products. Surimi consists of fish proteins that are refined through heading, gutting and mincing the fish, then washing, removing water, and freezing the remaining protein. Good quality surimi is odorless and has a creamy white appearance. Surimi has excellent gelling properties so that it can be formed into various shapes. The US is the leading country for the production of surimi. Alaska pollock is most often used followed by Pacific whiting in the manufacture of surimi.


Seafood Recipes - Huge selection of delicious recipes featuring fish and seafood, many with photographs.



    How many Prawns or Shrimp to buy for each person:
    Small   40-60 prawns per kilo
    Medium 20 - 40 prawns per kilo
    Large   10 - 20 prawns per kilo
    - Allow approx. 300 - 400 grams per person.

    How many Crabs to buy:
    - 1 per person

    How many Oysters for each serving:
    - 4 - 6 oysters per person

    How much Smoked Salmon to buy per serving:
    100g per person

    How much Fish do I need to buy:
    Whole Fish   350g - 600g per person
    Fillets           125g - 200g per person
    Cutlets         175g - 300g per person

    How much Octopus, Squid or Cuttlefish per serving:
    250g per person.



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