Sea-Ex Recreational Angling Site - All Types of Fishing & Angling

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Fishing in Thailand

Sea-Ex Seafood, Fishing, Marine Directory
Main Fishing & Angling Page
Fishing | Angling:
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Hot Spots - Great Fishing Areas
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Fish Tagging | Catch Release
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Thailand Information & Business Directory
Fishing in Thailand

Fishing - General Information - 10 Fishing Rules

This page might just save you some money!

Following an article in a Queensland newspaper regarding some unsuspecting Anglers receiving large fines for an "honest mistake" here is a list of General Recreational Fishing Rules from Queensland Fisheries Management Authority:

The following is ILLEGAL:

1.  To remove the skin from any fish on a boat (Once ashore they can be skinned)

2.  To possess, rear, sell, buy or bring into Queensland noxious fish.

3.  Jagging or foul-hooking fish (commonly done on schools of fish, especially mullet)

4.  Using explosives, poisons or electrical devices to take fish.

5.  Interfering with authorised aquaculture activities.

6.  Removing oysters from any oyster ground. (Although you can eat them on the spot.)

7.  Obstructing lawful netting operations, damaging or interfering with fishing apparatus.

8.  Collecting coral without authority.

9.  Interfering with marine life in a fish habitat area.

10.Removing, damaging or interfering with markers or signs erected under the authority of fisheries legislation.




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