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Legal Fish Sizes and Bag Limits

Legal Fish Sizes and Bag Limits - Queensland - This guide provides recreational fishers with important information about responsible fishing. It covers size, take and possession (bag and size) limits for Queensland waters.


Legal Fish Sizes and Bag Limits - New South Wales - Fishing Bag and size limits in New South Wales waters. Species covered are Finfish including freshwater fish, inshore and offshore saltwater fish, game and sports fishing species, shellfish - abalone, cockles, mussels, scallops, snails etc, crustaceans - bugs, crabs, lobsters, crayfish, prawns, sea urchins and also lists protected species.


Legal Fish Sizes and Bag Limits for Western Australia - Covering Demersal Finfish, Pelagic Finfish, Near-Shore and Estuarine Finfish, Freshwater Finfish, other Finfish species, Crustaceans (Crabs, prawns, marron, lobsters etc). At the bottom of the page is the Totally Protected (Do Not Take) list too.


Why does Australia have Size & Bag Limits?  - Click here to read a great scientific explanation by CRC Reef Research





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