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Seafood Companies in Indonesia

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Samudra Kualita Mina Tel:      +62 31 7039 4664
Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur, Indonesia Fax:     +62 31 853 4539
  Email [email protected] 
Contact Name:  Muhammad Mangesti Waluyo Skype:  waluyo-skm
Integrated seafood processing company which are handling various kind of seafood products such us: Ribbonfish, Flying Fish Roe, Red Mullet, Parrotfish, Emperor, Red Snapper, Ray Fish, Lizardfish, Threadfin Bream, Octopus, Cuttlefish, Kingfish, Garfish, Milkfish, Round Scad, Mackerel, Sardine, Squid, Kingfish, Goldband Snapper, Barramundi, Shark meat, Green mussel, Ark shell, Tuna and Value added, yellow Baby Clam meat, Lobster, Slipper Lobster, Fishing Bait Supply from any kind of sea product.


Savina Cold Storage Tel:      +62 333 596 000
Muncar, Banyuwangi, Indonesia Fax:     +62 333 596 000
  Email [email protected]
Contact Name:  Adhie Skype:
Savina Cold Storage. We are fish processor and exportir of fish product from Indonesia especially for Sardines. Our production capacity is about 20 - 25 tons per days for WR, HGT Scale on or off.we have believe to our product which had been process from excellent row material,and we will confidence to offer you our product.


Sinar Insan Prasasti Tel:      +62 813 89 4070 87
Jakarta, Indonesia Fax:     +62 21 4393 0579
  Email [email protected] 
Contact Name:  Risman Chan Skype:  sinarinsan_prasasti
Crewing and Manning company

Sinar Mas Mina Bahri Tel:      +62 333 594 707
Muncar, Banyuwangi, Indonesia Fax:     +62 333 595 648
  Email [email protected]
Contact Name:  Desy Skype:  shiefa25
Contact Name:  Lustiana Ragil Putri Skype:  lustiana.ragil.putri
Contact Name:  Lustiana Ragil Putri Skype:  yani01_cute
Contact Name:  Setyo Warseno Skype:  hsuseno
Our specialty is producing finest quality of frozen fish to meet our customer need Such as Abalone,
Ribbonfish, Mackarels, Blue shark, wahoo Brandless canned sardines. etc. Mainly, we produce block frozen 10 Kg of frozen sardine whole round


SSI Tel:      +62 812 345 3144
Banyuwangi, East Java, Indonesia Fax:     +62 333 867 3271
  Email [email protected] 
Contact Name:  Hilmi Skype:  PMH
Our company trade in seafood business and are looking for frozen fillet of barramundi, red mullet, frozen squid, frozen octopus, froze prawn.


Sukses Jaya Makmur, PT Tel:      +62 31 7039 4664
Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur, Indonesia Fax:     +62 31 853 4532
  Email [email protected] 
Contact Name:  Mangesti Waluyo Skype:  mangesti
we are seafood processing, Export & Trading from East Java, Indonesia. Our product range are : Red Snapper, Emperor, Ruby Snapper, Octopus, Cuttlefish, Squid, Parrot fish, ribonfish, conger eel, leather jacket fish, threadfin bream. etc


SYS Tel:      +62 81 5529 6323
Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Indonesia Fax:     +62 31 591 2543
  Email [email protected]  
Contact Name:  Yos Prakosa Skype:  sb403milkfish
we are a trading company establish in 1994, we dealing with sardine frozen for bait or human consumption, milkfish frozen for bait or human consumption, skipjack tuna , Japanese mackerel , garfish for bait, baby octopus and squid, baby tuna, and any other fish


Trans KCP Tel:      +62 21 830 1590
Jakarta, Indonesia Fax:     +62 21 830 1195
  Email [email protected]   
Contact Name:  Vera Siagian Skype:  TRANSKCP
Seafood trading company since the early 1990's. Products include red snapper fillets, snapper fillets, grouper fillets, octopus, tuna and tuna skin.


Usha Jaya Seafoods Tel:      +62 333 593 032
Muncar, Banyuwangi, Indonesia Fax:     +62 333 591 798
  Email [email protected]
Contact Name:  Dwi Skype:  UJseafood
Sell >>> Cuttle fish, Squid, Octopus,Slipper lobster,Sardine, Skipjack tuna, Yellofin tuna, Bonito, Hairtail/Ribbon fish.


Usham Mekar Abadi Tel:      +62 21 9829 8170
Tanjung Priok, Jakarta Utara, Indonesia Fax:     +62 21 4391 2457
  Email [email protected] 
Contact Name:  Capt. Safar Skype:  Agun Safar
We are a crew agency provide general recruit to shipping community such as Fishing ship, offshore and onshore, cargo ship, tanker ship, container ship, supplay boat, tug boat with the passanger ship etc

A-D  ]    [  E-H  ]    [  I-M  ]    [  N-R  ]    [  S-Z  ]


Exporters of Frozen Lobster Tails & Whole Spiny Lobster (Panulirus Argus) directly from our FDA Certified & HACCP Approved plant in the Dominican Republic. Can custom pack. Our registered brand in the Dominican Republic is "Blue Leaf" Looking to expand into the Asian Markets. We now offer product from Indonesia - Pasteurized Crab Meat, Red Snapper & Malabar Snapper, Grouper, Loligo Squid, Cuttlefish, Kingfish, Mahi Mahi. Shrimp: Head On, Headless, P/D, IQF, Blocks, Pre Cooked.

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