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Fish & Seafood Information

Here is some information regarding fish, fishing and seafood. Please select the information you require below:

Glossary of Fish, Seafood and Fishing Terms - This section answers a lot of questions regarding seafood and fish terminology.  Yes, fisher folks do have a language all of their own! It also lists names of fish, shellfish and marine products and describes their attributes. Many have more detailed information about the product or fish, interesting facts and some photographs.


Seafood Importers, Seafood Exporters Directory - Huge directory of Seafood Industry contacts, including importers, exporters, seafood processors, wholesalers, suppliers of products to the seafood industry, services and consultants.


Fish Photos & Information - Fish and Seafood Photographs, Information, including recipes, fish and seafood suppliers both Retail and Wholesale. Official fish names including Latin names and where they are found in Australian waters.


Recreational Fishing Guidelines Queensland Australia - Recreational fishing guidelines for Qld, Australia


Size & Bag Limits - Legal fish sizes and bag limits - Fresh waters, dams, rivers and Saltwater legal fish sizes and bag limits


Anatomy of a Fish, Fish Terminology, FAQ about FishDiagram of a fish showing anatomy. What is the largest & smallest fish?, Can fish hear?, Do Fish Sleep?, Can fish see color?, and many other interesting facts about fish, jellyfish, seafood.


What Fishing Bait to Use A list of types of fishing baits and the fish species you can catch with them


Fish Length-to-Weight Calculator - Scientific calculator to tell you your fish weight. Calculation of your fish capture by the length and girth. Select your fish species and add the information to calculate the weight. Choose the species, then enter your fish's length and girth, and the calculator will do the rest!


Seafood Preparation - Handling your catch, including Seafood Storage - How to freeze fish, how to thaw frozen fish, storing live oysters, clams and mussels. Info on Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids, how much seafood to buy per person


Fish Names - Here you will find English names of fish and their equivalent in Japanese, Swedish, Hawaiian, French, Dutch, German, Spanish, Italian, Danish, Norwegian, Russian.




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