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Seafood Preparation - Abalone Preparation

When preparing your fish and seafood for recipes, below are some useful tips and information that make life easier!


How To Open & Prepare Abalone:

With a barbeque scraper or similar tool, force blade tip in a thin part of the shell underneath flesh, moving blade until muscle is freed from shell.


Lift out flesh, remove intestine and wash well.


Slice off dark heel (sucker pad) or rub it off on a rough rock. 


Slice the flesh horizontally in two, wrap slices in muslin and pound well with the side of a meat mallet or cleaver until limp and velvety. 


Slices can be cut in thin strips or chopped, depending on cooking method.



How To Soften Dried Abalone:

Bring some mineral water to a boil in a saucepan then add the dried abalone. Let it come to a boil again. Take saucepan off the heat and cover the saucepan. Let the abalone soak for a minimum of 8-10 hours or preferably overnight. The next day, clean and rinse the expanded abalone.

See also Instructions on preparing abalone western style - Step by Step photos


Seafood Recipes


Fish & Seafood Recipe Videos - How to clean & cook abalone, sea bass with pepper sauce, Kentucky fried catfish, miso glazed barramundi, rock oysters with caviar, linguini with white clam sauce, Wild Alaska Tamarind Cod, Jamaican codfish cakes, lobster, scallops, mahi recipes and more

Recipes for Abalone

How to Cook & Clean Abalone

How to Cook & Clean Abalone


Champion Abalone recipe video

Champion Abalone


Quick & Easy Way to Cook Abalone recipe video

Quick & Easy Way to Cook Abalone


Abalone Recipes Videos


Other sections that may help you:
Retail Seafood Sales - Where to buy your seafood, list of fish shops by country. Fish Photos & Info - Photographs, information, nutritional information, locality, suppliers and scientific data.
Seafood Recipes - Hundreds of recipes for fish and shellfish, many including photos. Fish Information - How to cook fish, identifying fresh fish, identifying your catch, links to recipes, photographs, nutritional information.
Seafood Cookbooks - Enormous range of cookbooks for all seafood lovers from Amazon. Seafood Restaurants - Can't be bothered cooking? Find your local seafood restaurant.


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