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 - How to Store Seafood & Fish
 - How to prepare Abalone
 - Bearding Mussels &  How to Open
 - How to open Oysters or Scallops
 - Clam, Cockle & Pipi Preparation
Glossary of Fish, Seafood and Fishing Terms
 - Preparing Squid, Cuttlefish & Octopus
 - How to identify Fresh Fish
 - How to Buy Fresh Fish
 - How to Cook & Prepare Lobster
 - How to Cook & Prepare Crayfish
 - How to Clean and Cook Live Crabs to Perfection
 - How to Purchase the Freshest Shrimp Before Cooking
 - How to Cook Shrimp on the Barbeque Grill
 - How to Keep Your Recently Caught Fish at Premium Fresh Quality
 - How to Easily Shuck Fresh Oysters
 - How to Cook Oysters Kilpatrick that is to Die For!
 - How to Soften Dried Abalone
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If you want something different for a weekend BBQ or special dinner, you will find some easy and delicious fish & seafood recipes here to try!

RECIPE FOR MUSSELS: Mussels Italiano

2kg mussels
2 onions, sliced
6 crushed garlic cloves
6 tomatoes, chopped
4 tablespoons tomato paste
1/2 cup chopped parsley
1 cup white wine
1 cup port or red wine.
Black Pepper


Cook onion and garlic with a little water in a heavy based pan. 

Add tomatoes, tomato paste, white wine, port and pepper. 

Mix well, boil and reduce heat to simmer.

Put mussels into the mixture, place a lid on the pan and simmer (approx. 5 minutes) 

As soon as mussels are open they are cooked.

Serve on a bed of cooked noodles.

Mussels in Aromatic Coconut Broth Mussel and Red Snapper Soup Baked Cod, Clams & Mussels Steamed Mussels with Saffron Sauce
Mussels in Aromatic Coconut Broth Mussel and Red Snapper Soup Baked Cod, Clams & Mussels Steamed Mussels with Saffron Sauce



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